When using the expression, hunting dog we refer to all dogs who assist people in carrying out this activity. Hunting represents a complex process with many aspects and dogs assigned to it fall into certain categories, depending on the skills and developed them (they were crossed, selected and nominated as a race).
The prevalence hounds are those dealing with birds and small game, leaving the hunter killing the account (in English they are called gun dogs). Some hunters killing in mind let butchers, where hunters buy captures end to not embarrass the family before, but already thats another story.
Birds and dogs have won according to the name of hunting of dealing. Pointer breed and show them discover nests, adopting a position more than expressive. Setter breed and raise a birds nest discovered the gun. Cocker Spaniel breed and raise a bird and small game. Retriever brings hunting where the hunter fell at his feet. Water dogs (poodle) deal with birds hanging in the pool and serve as retrievers.
Terriers are probably the most incredible dogs. Trained hard, stubborn, incredibly strong and quick, affectionate and blackmailer are used almost exclusively to hunt mammals. Foxes, raccoons or other similar pests are favorite targets of the terriers, but if you are headed in the pack can go and hunt wild boar, deer and wolves.
But over breed predilection specialized on a distinct set of activities from hunting, there is an exclusive group, which, with a certain loosely, we can unite under the banner, The Magnificent Seven , so called HPR Dogs. Initials comprising three distinct stages of hunting: H - Hunt, P - Point R - Retrieve. Are, if you will, those Premier League players who can play any position. They are able to track down, tracking and hunting haituiasca, mark it and recover from where it was killed. Do not give back any wounded from fighting with hunting, and not talking here only of birds but also of large mammals. Some hunters think weak of heart and even to learn to shoot rifle ... Here and below, in a random array, the champions, each with a short card:
Weimaraner - Country of Origin: Germany. Height: 57-70cm. Weight: 25-38kg.The breed wascreatedinthe court of DukeK.A.TheWeimar(approx. 1810)by crossingBracGermanshorthairedhoundswithBloodhoundandFrench. Large dog, muscular, robust. The coatcanbeshortorlong(two varieties)andhavesilver-grayorbrown.
Hungarian Vizsla - Country of origin: Hungary. Height: 53-62 cm. Weight: 22-30 kg. Report as similar-looking race of more than 1000 years (in Central). In sec. nineteenth-century race was improved especially Brac pointer and German and was in danger of extinction at the end of the Second World War, race enthusiasts danger removed. It is a medium to large sized dog, muscular, strong, noble-looking. Presents two varieties, with short hair and wiry hair. Color: dark golden.
German Pointer - Country of Origin: Germany. Height: 58-66 cm. Weight: 20-32 kg. The breed is descended from the old Spanish brac emerged in Germany in the eighteenth century and have had crosses with breeds and Foxhound English Pointer. Medium to large, powerful, harmonious proportions. Presents three varieties with short hair, wiry hair and long hair. The short hair is brown (with or without white spots), or dark brown and white with brown spots on the head.
Italian Spinone - Country of Origin: Italy. Height: 58-70 cm. Weight: 28-37 kg. Origin unclear, it is assumed that the breed originally developed in the Italian Piedmont, where he arrived in France, the French Griffonia ancestor. Large dog, strong, robust. The coat is medium length, coarse, thick wire. Can be smooth or slightly wavy. Mustache and beard hair forms. Colors can be white-white with orange spots, white with brown or reddish-brown mixed with black and white - with or without large brown spots.
Red Brittany Basset - Country of origin: France. Height: 32-38 cm. Weight: 25-40 kg. This dog is the successor Griffon Fauve and had a wide circulation in the region of Brittany (the zenith: sec. The nineteenth century). Today we meet less often. It is small to medium strong enough. The coat is harsh, almost smooth, dense and of medium length. Base color is gold, can beat the red, more or less dark, sometimes with a white spot on chest and neck.
Italian Brac - Country of Origin: Italy. Height: 55-67cm. Weight: 25-40kg.Accordingto many expertsisthe breedof dogbracthe oldestin Europe. It is foundevenwitha sculptureinthe Louvre, the greatoperaBenvenutoCellini. It is alarge dog, strong, square-looking, vigorous butwithharmoniousforms. He hasshort hair, oftensoft andshiny. Breed-specificcolors: whiteorbrownpeteoranjshaped,about, oval, largeor small.
GiantMunsterlander - Country of Origin: Germany. Height: 58-65cm. Weight: 20-29kg.Thesuccessor, thehawkdog in the Middle Ages, developed especiallyinMunsterregionofGermany.Amedium to largesized dog, strong, muscular, square-looking andelegantappearance. Furismedium length, straight orslightly wavyhaironears, tailandlegs. Coloriswhitewith black spots, large and small.
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