Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Dog Biting Its Leg

You know that video on the video section of this blog? The funniest home video’s dog biting his own leg? It’s honestly not funny at all to me, but it’s very strange. A lot of the posts under it say things like food aggression, split personality, nerve disease. When I watch it, the first thing I think is he had an itch (which is why his foot is going up) and then not so much as food aggression but food guarding.

A quick tangent, but let me point out that everyone, everything, etc… has a mild form of food aggression. For example, if you had a family and a child say like five years old, would you let your child stick their fingers in your food as you are eating? Of course not – it’s the same thing with dogs and other dogs, we only see it as scary because we’re not used to it. For example, Titus growls when Puppy gets near his food. He’s only saying “This is mine, don’t mess with it,” not actually being “aggressive”. I don’t, however, allow my dogs to growl at humans when they’re eating – but that’s obvious. That’s a totally different story all together.

I think it’s a little of both, and the fact that I’m sure he’d been egged on into doing it more often because unless you carry a camera on your arm, you’re never going to catch your funny dog moments. Like, say for instance he attacked his leg once and he got a reward for it – that means that he’ll always do it again because there’s the chance that he’ll get a reward again. His humans thought it was cute, and then it turned essentially into an unhealthy trick/habit. Then they turned their camera on to see him do it with the bone.

That’s my take on it.

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