For some breeds, dog lovers who do not have a lot of experience in living together with their representatives, training a small dog is not a topic too rich. This kind of person perception is that a small dog is entrusted few tasks, role is to accompany and entertain owner, so training is not like to be too elaborate.Such a perception is wrong from the start.

Little French Bulldog - because we talk about it in this article - is a small dog and yes, it is a companion dog. But because his mission is to always be near his master, to share with him and his family many moments of intimacy - far more than those who are allowed a large dog (dog guard, say), it is very important for him to give evidence of good manners and discipline, not to make a cheerful and reassuring companion a source of stress. In fact, statistics reveal that a small dog, indoor, need to acquire many commands and behaviors conditioned, close to the level of a medium or large dog who is preparing for contests of skill. Because almost everything we do is in front of our eyes, his actions are always appreciated and coordinated (required) new, integrating his life practically in our lives.
Relationship with a dog of the breed French Bulldog just arrived in the middle of family has no "grace period". We know, it sounds very harsh, but is very true. These dogs are temperamental and have a strong thread (and an innocent puppy does not expect these features to be formed, once, at a certain age, he is born with them). As the house is our universe intimate space where we find ourselves and fully express ourselves fully, it will be little puppy.
If this whole new universe for him there are no rules right from the start, and will make him (and will be very intransigent in their observance). If space where his life takes on new dimensions there will be a "copy" of authority, which to them assess and accept his authority, he will be considered "custom" (and will be very difficult to dethroned!) . Connoisseurs French Bulldog breed highlights an aspect worth taking into account: this breed should not put too much in conflict situations. Are they some small dogs, but have a big heart, fighters, probably inherited from imposing "var higher," English Bulldog ... and not yield to a dispute. True, they will not object too much trouble, will not behave hysterically, it will struggle ... but will not give up. It is therefore highly desirable that a French Bulldog puppy will not give him to make his own rules, but to put it in another home in front of a set of rules and, most importantly, to convince him that we had to meet to enjoy comfort, protection, food and affection. When you step into your house like a mop delicious, will "soften" the hearts, no doubt. French Bulldog is one of those dogs who manage to keep a "look" adorable and adulthood, and when they are puppies ... well, are almost irresistible. But it is better to leave too impressed, but to see things in perspective, because you will benefit greatly by doing this.

The first step in dog training is applied to a "magic" eyes and ears of bat is learning daily routine. Little French Bulldog should learn where where you eat (where are placed the bowl with food and fresh water). Carefully select the site and do not change according to the whims dog or yours. Mass schedule must again chosen with care and respect, regardless of the insistence that a new puppy requires bowl. Depending on the age of a dog and the mystery veterinary advice will be served daily in 4-5 servings (or perhaps 3) but service hours must be observed daily.
Dog should have a place where to sleep (not in your lap, sofa, then a little in bed each family member!), A place where toys are stored and where they will be collected after each play session and training, a well-chosen where they will need. Hours walk again be chosen such a way that it can be observed daily. For starters, going outdoors will be 2 kinds: those for needs (to learn the routine and stop visiting "special corner" in the bathroom), and those for recreational walking and exercising the various commands. Subsequently, walks will merge all these objectives.
Training is aimed debut inside the home routine is the starting point at age 2-3 months. But not if you wait too conclusive results before the age of 8-9 months. Do not lose patience, do not resort to punishments or harsh tone of voice, use smart "biscuit method" (reward system) and ... insist. With kindness, perseverance and true affection you reach the desired level. In other words, youre going to have a French Bulldog breed adult dog good, controllable and cooperative. And from this point, the key to more complex exercises and commands will be at your fingertips.

The first step in dog training is applied to a "magic" eyes and ears of bat is learning daily routine. Little French Bulldog should learn where where you eat (where are placed the bowl with food and fresh water). Carefully select the site and do not change according to the whims dog or yours. Mass schedule must again chosen with care and respect, regardless of the insistence that a new puppy requires bowl. Depending on the age of a dog and the mystery veterinary advice will be served daily in 4-5 servings (or perhaps 3) but service hours must be observed daily.

Training is aimed debut inside the home routine is the starting point at age 2-3 months. But not if you wait too conclusive results before the age of 8-9 months. Do not lose patience, do not resort to punishments or harsh tone of voice, use smart "biscuit method" (reward system) and ... insist. With kindness, perseverance and true affection you reach the desired level. In other words, youre going to have a French Bulldog breed adult dog good, controllable and cooperative. And from this point, the key to more complex exercises and commands will be at your fingertips.
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