It is hard to raise a baby animal, cat, dog, exotic, or human. Theyre cute and sweet and they need nearly 24/hr watching. The only reason human babies are a little harder is because they cost more, in the sense that while you can leave your puppy or kitten crated for 2-3 hours while you leave the house, you cant do that with your baby. Your baby would have to have a babysitter or go to daycare, or you can take it with you. Aside from that difference, youre facing about the same thing. Youve got to feed your puppy or kitten around the clock, and you spend more time outside than you do in your house if its a puppy. If its a kitten, youre constantly jumping up to see what hes getting into since hes so much smaller.
The good part about human babies is that for that first year, theyre not getting into too much, but then they hit their toddler stage which is basically the first 2-3 years of a dog or cats life since they start walking faster. The good part about puppies or kittens is that after 2-3 years of their toddler stage, theyre down and out for the rest of their life. At some point, your child will also become self-sufficient, however, dogs and cats never become that way. Youll always have to feed them, water them, make sure everythings okay, check their butts, make sure they pooped, that it looked okay, all that kind of stuff.
Taken from somewhere:
"Today I got my second lot of friends who are now practising their parental skills by adopting a dog... Are they still sane or what? I like them but I think a dog really is NOT the same as a baby so I wonder where the practice is.
A pup (in age to be adopted) will sleep through the night in their new home within a week.
A pup will need 3 feeds a day (not 6) and they can eat by themselves.
A pup will/should stop messing on the carpet in the first 2 months
A pup only need a walk and fresh air twice a day (baby needs attending around 10 hours a day)
A dog will never throw a tantrum in public.
A dog will not talk back to you.
You cant take your dog to Disneyland
Your dog will never say I love you and
Youll never have the satisfaction to go to your dogs graduation as they always seem to stall at the Sit Turn and Roll commands.
Can someone please enlighten me as to why some people think raising a dog is the same as raising a child?
Thank you in advance."
I cant reply on the site because questioning is closed, but thats fine, Ill reply to it here because Im awesome like that. Yes, these people are very sane, but this poster doesnt know what dog owning consists of, clearly, because their dog would be screwed over. First, puppies do not sleep through the night within a week. They cant hold their bladder for that long and if theyre crate training, you will be getting up through the night to take him out, probably 2-3 times. If you dont take the time out for this, they will not be properly potty trained. Also, if youre not prompt with it, they will go on themselves and you dont want that because that messes with them psychologically, it goes against everything is natural to dogs. Next. Sure, a puppy only needs three feedings a day, Ill go with that one. However, Im a raw feeder and thusly I have to watch my dog eat for the entire hour that he eats (then its back outside for a potty break and then you have to make sure they dont play too much so they dont end up with diarrhea or have their stomach turn). A puppy will mess the carpet for a YEAR. I dont care how great your training is, your puppy will have mistakes for potentially up to a year and you should expect nothing less. Just because puppies only need one or two walks a day, doesnt mean they dont need a ton of attention. After you feed, take it out 10 times a day, take it for a walk, and supervise it, that time is pretty equal to the time spent with a waking baby. Dogs throw tantrums in public. Its when they bark and growl at random people or when they sit down and wont follow you, or when they run in the opposite direction when youre calling them. Those are called tantrums and they have them. Dogs dont talk back, one of the benefits. I take my dog to dog parks, which is like Disneyland to them. Dog parks are cheaper. My dog cant say I love you. Im fine with that, because when in the middle of the night he noses my cheek to cuddle with me, its about equal. As far as training, kids hesitate too, its why the graduation rate in America is less than 50% of people that start school. At least the dog is always willing to learn, kids arent that.
There. Thats why people think raising a dog is very akin to raising a child. Any other questions?
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