VITAMIN A: has the following events: young dogs develop defective and deformed bones may compress surrounding tissues, causing nervous disorders, epithelium is hipercheratinizeaza, flaking and ulcerates. Another effect is to reduce vizulae acuity in twilight. It can occur in severe stages, intestinal bleeding / lung and liver and kidney tissue degeneration.
Hypervitaminosis can cause jaundice carotene.
Hypovitaminosis B1 generates polyneuritis, polymyositis, neuralgia, muscle pain, digestive disorders, heart, accompanied by hypothermia. One of the forms of this imbalance, so called Chastek disease, occurs after feeding raw fish.
Hypovitaminosis B2 slows the development is slow, there are diseases of the skin, cornea and lens opacification.
Hypovitaminosis B6 lead to retarded growth, anemia, nerve disorders, muscle fatigue, vomiting.
Hypovitaminosis cause scurvy, characterized by abnormalities in the development of youth teeth, bones, prone to spontaneous bleeding, and in adults manifested by fatigue, small hemorrhages in the skin, gums, lining of digestive hemorrhage followed by necrosis, decreases body resistance.
Vitamin D:
Hypervitaminosis cause hypercalcaemia, hiperfosforemie, anorexia, constipation, pruritus, agitation, migration of salts of phosphorous in the kidneys, myocardium, stiffening of joints.
Hypovitaminosis determine the occurrence of rickets with hypocalcemia youth, abnormal development of limb bones, ribs, sternum, both delayed teething, milk teeth and change. In adult dogs, vitamin D deficiency causes bone deformity, pain on movement, secondary bone deformities can occur, paresis, paralysis, loss of muscle tone.
Vitamin E:
Hypovitaminosis favors muscular dystrophies and liver.
Hypervitaminosis is studied.
Vitamin K: blood clotting is necessary and participate in processes of cellular respiration.
Hypovitaminosis cause bleeding due to delay or inability to produce clotting process itself.
Hypervitaminosis not an element of study, because excess vitamin K is very easy to remove urine, feces or milk.
The most important aspect that should be taken into account is that the doses and times where / when administered certain vitamins are required to be decided by your dogs veterinarian.
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