SPECIES OF TICKS - Most species of ticks will pass through four life stages - egg, larva, nymph and adult. In all stages, except eggs, ticks need a "host" to feed on blood. Depending on the species, ticks can live from several months to several years and females can deposit thousands of eggs at once. In Europe there are tick species: Ixodes (from Belgium and transmit Lymes disease, including humans), Dermacentor (transmit piroplasmosis), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (transmit Babesia canis and Ehrlichia canis).
ATTACK - Refugees in cooler and wetter areas under the lower leaves of the vegetation, fur dog ticks attach and migrate, preferentially to areas with less body hair. Areas of the body most exposed are dog head, skin folds (at the back, neck or chin - depending on the breed of dog involved), ears and interdigital spaces. Instead chose (a strong blood supply area) ticks bite the dog skin and attaches with special tongs made ??of wound mouthparts. In the next few hours (up to 20 hours, even!) Ticks are blood sucking animal, and increasing up to 8 times the body.
CONSEQUENCES - The most common diseases caused by ticks include: Babeioza, meningitis the Rocky Mountains, Ehrlichioza and anaplasmosis. Not all ticks transmit diseases, but most, unfortunately, are vectors carriers of severe disease that can affect dogs in the highest degree, leading to paralysis, or, in worst cases, death. Transmitted diseases in dogs infested by ticks is installed in the body fairly quickly, given that pathogens are transmitted by way tick feeds directly into the bloodstream and, hence, reach the most important organs of the animal .

- The dog is persistently scratching neck, head, ears, and even sometimes challenging wounds;
- Dog loses its appetite, become apathetic and without muscle tone;
- Dog present with diarrhea and fever, is seen in orange color of urine;
- Weak, limp, swollen joints;
- Gums fade young dogs (puppies up to eight months, especially for small dog breeds, apartment dogs).
IDENTIFICATION TICKS - Caress your dog all over the body, paying attention to ears, neck and skin folds. Try to identify any unusual lifting of the skin and examine the dog with a strong light source. Depending on the species and stage of life, a tick is the size of a pencil tip as a small grain or bean. If you live in an area adjacent to the forest should check for the appropriate dog ticks at least once a day.
IMMEDIATE - is recommended to benefit from the assistance of a veterinarian if you find ticks installed on your dogs body and if you have deductions against parasitic insects. If you already have some experience in raising dogs and i want to give first aid to your friend, initiated the removal of the parasite immediately. It is recommended to wear surgical gloves or disposable ones and tweezers (as in cosmetic kits). You have to grab the tick as close to the point where it attached (there is the head with mouthparts, usually buried in the dogs skin). Be careful not to squeeze the ticks body (in this case tick acts as a syringe, pumping the blood back into the infected blood). Pull slowly and firmly parasite leather (without turn tweezers). The dog can choose a small wound that may detach and less to the skin, but this is normal. If your dog bleeding lightly on the wound, then disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol (or at least water and soap). Be careful if the insect was completely detached. Sometimes the mouthparts of the tick remain stuck in the dogs skin and, over time, can give rise to abscesses. Work with patience, finesse and use a strong light source. Believe not cigarette embers burning techniques tick body or "death" / "stunning" them with oil or paint thinner! You can increase stress and even your dogs injuries. I risky methods and primitive!
PREVENTION - There are alternative preventive vaccination of dogs against the worst diseases spread by ticks, especially if you live in an infested area (climate change in recent years have favored the multiplication of these insects parasitic disturbing). However, your vet will give you competent advice in this regard. Ehrlichioza and Lymes disease is treated with antibiotics to combat Piroplasma specific medication, and Advantage (containing imidacloprid), Frontline (containing fipronil), selamectin and permethrin are effective drugs against ticks (in all three stages of development). You will recognize prescriptions issued and are especially recommended by specialists. Your veterinarian can advise you regarding specific recommendations about the frequency of application of a product or another (depending on geographic area and climate, bathing and swimming habits of the dog, and other details).
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