Your new puppy is home, now the fun part starts! As both you and your lovely new ball of fun get used to each other both of you have some adjusting to do to each other. Your puppy has just taken a big step away from its mum, its litter mates and it comfort zone. You will need patience and a sense of humor.
The age that most breeders recommend, that your puppy leaves its mother is 7 to 8 weeks. If your puppy is eight weeks old then be very patient with him, this is the fear period and that can mean that your puppy is very easily frightened by loud noises, take care and try to keep him settled. Fears gained at this age can take a long time to break.
If hes is older then he will be a little more boisterous and biddable, you will be able to get his attention easily and he will want to please you, a good age to start the training. Remember your puppy is never to young to start learning and it is important to set the ground rules straight away.
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