Dogs have unique personalities just as humans do. Some dog breeds are docile and laid back while others are high strung with loads of excess energy and enthusiasm. If you happen to be the owner of a dog who gives new meaning to the term hyper, you may need tips on how to calm a dog so you can restore tranquility to your home.

If youre giving your dog sufficient exercise on a daily basis and your dog is still high strung, there are other steps you can take to calm a hyper dog:
Give Your Dog Safe Toys and Bones to Chew
This is a highly effective way to calm a dog. Some dogs become hyper out of sheer boredom and the simple act of having something to do with their mouth can help to dissipate some of their energy and boredom. If you have a large dog, make sure you choose a bone thats advertised as indestructible or you could be buying them quite frequently.
Take Your Dog to the Dog Park
This is an excellent way to allow your dog release some of his pent up energy and socialize with other animals. The simple act of socializing with other dogs and humans can make your dog more comfortable around strangers which can reduce stress and anxiety that may be contributing to his hyperactivity. Thirty minutes at the dog park is a great stress reliever for both dog and human.
Do Doggy Massages
A calming dog massage can be a very effective technique to calm a dog. If you dont know how to do one, you can find instructions on the internet. Even the simple act of grooming or brushing your dog with a soft brush can be soothing and help to relieve his hyperactivity if done on a daily basis.
Dont Reinforce the Behavior
A dog may become hyper in an attempt to seek attention from you. If you give your dog the attention he seeks, you reinforce the behavior. Ignore your dog when hes displaying hyperactive behavior and give him positive reinforcement when hes calm. If done consistently, this can have a positive impact on your dogs hyperactivity level.
A hyper dog can be a challenge for the whole family. Try incorporating some of these tips to calm a dog into your dogs daily routine and discover what seems to work for your particular pet. With a little patience, you can help successfully master the art of calming a hyper dog.
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