What I found on the Googlies is that theres a top-secret menu at Starbucks that includes a very special doggie drink called a PUPPUCCINO! My mom couldnt believe it that shed never heard of a puppuccino before because shes a complete and total Starbucks addict. Shes especially shocked that none of the baristas had ever offered this brindle butt a puppuccino after all of the special attentions they give me when I visit.

Well, instead of protesting about not being informed of the secret menu, my mom brought me along to Starbucks yesterday to get a puppuccino of my very own. Since she had only ever heard of a puppuccino from the internets, she got a little nervous to ask for one. So, instead of just ordering a puppuccino like a big girl, she said something like, "do you make the special cups of whipped cream for dogs here?" The kind man behind the register responded with, "a puppuccino?! Of course we can make one of those!"

Now I bet youre wondering just exactly what a puppuccino is (well, unless we are the only ones on the planet who have never heard of a puppuccino before...then you can go ahead and just totally disregard this post...). A puppuccino is a cup of delightfully fluffy WHIPPED CREAM!!!! Yeah, I know its probably not the best thing for the Beans sensitive tummy, but a girls gotta live a little!

The other really cool thing about these puppuccinos is that they are totally free! Since I loved mine so much, mom said shes going to start ordering them for me for being the best Bean I can be. She said that I probably cant have one EVERY time that I go to Starbucks with her because she doesnt want the Bean to get chunky (seeing as she goes to Starbucks way too often), but I can have one on occasion.

The only thing that I didnt like about my puppuccino is when there was nothing left in the cup to lick. That made this Bean very, very sad. I even begged for another one, but mom said that it would be rude to ask for seconds. I certainly dont know whats rude about that. Starbucks should consider it a compliment!

Anywho, I suggest you beg your moms and dads to let you Googlie the puppuccino so that they will take you to Starbucks too to get your very own!

Did you guys all know about the puppuccino before reading this? If you did, why on earth didnt you ever mention it to the Bean?! If you didnt already know about it, Im glad I wasnt the only one. And now the whole world will know!

You can thank me later for the boost in sales, Starbucks!
Love, the Bean
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