Dog breed recommended for people with a strong sense of humor and a certain penchant for self-irony. If you have this, better make another choice, because many of your friends will be "bombarded" with jokes about her appearance ... lets say "non-art" of dog ownership. It is a medium-sized dog, a massive record, a line of elegant little body which presents massive and stocky, short legs suspended on strong. The dog that always makes you feel sexy, cool ... only by comparison. Does that look like feature "Beautys passing, we be healthy." It has fine hair, short, smooth and shiny that requires only a casual brushing, during moulting. Beyond the massive inertia that suggests his dog is a lively, spontaneous, a notable courage, balanced - has that specific phlegmatic air Lords (old) British. Just do not tell jokes with John butler. It is gentle and surprising sensitivity, often seen in the eyes sunken in their sockets. The ideal for when "lick our wounds," that easily manages to compose a sympathetic figure with deep wrinkles on the forehead and prominent eyebrows. If they leave corners of the mouth, makes us forget the trouble and you feel the need to encourage new him! Very important is that it is gentle and tolerant with children and better support and company of other animals, especially when it begins early in their company. Very well suited to apartment life, let master initiative when it comes to agitation, movement, hopping. He ... prefers to support total and real estate. It is recommended for less active and not be found anywhere in the house when we prepare for jogging or bike rides. Require training made gentle voice and patient attitude. But be strong, because it sometimes grab lehamitea. The origin is quite unclear, some experts claim it comes from the common ancestor of the dog-s, Molossian from Epirus. Height: 30-40 cm. Weight: 18-23 kg.

Are you an active person, prone to effort? The Dalmatian is a breed of dog that suits you, because they are very active, always awaiting instructions, happy to leave home, whatever the weather, "ready to go". There will never refuse an invitation to a bike race, a running, working in the garden. And if you tired, another family member can take up the slack, it will be to post! Ideal for large families, this breed of dog has a long history with active community, moving. In the past, guarding luggage accompanying passengers diligence, or push horses of fire water tanks. I is also called "dog carrier", or dog gunner (accompanied brave troops on the front or maneuvering, not afraid of loud noises). Easy to train, are still very protective, requiring constant attention of the master, otherwise feel frustrated and vigorous protest. Can be taught simple tricks that you remember and repeat them easily (made ??daily, carrying of bags, PROVIDERS foot, greeting or scheme "dead dog"). Called a region on the Adriatic, but its origin is not in the milestones. Brac is the crossing of Bengal and the English Pointer. Large dog, strong, with muscles well illustrated. At birth the pups are completely white, the spots that made ??them famous appear after 2-3 weeks. It is intelligent, active, quick in reaction and movement, friendly but stubborn. Careful around children, is cautious and vigilant with strangers. Gets along well with other animals, especially horses, in the presence of which is alert and energetic. He needs long walks if you insist to grow in the apartment, swimming should not miss the general program of movement. Height: 46-61 cm. Weight: 22-29 kg.

If you hate to stay home on Saturday, failed on the couch and stared at, is the right dog breed Golden Retriever. The beautiful and elegant of retreiveri, this breed has earned a nice reputation. Sprightly like a butterfly, with a constant energy supply, suggests that very well could play the role of rabbit in the Duracell battery commercials. It won the audition test, probably because it was patience in the waiting room. Docile temperament, we can support "hachitele" and adapt to any environment. He has no problem with crowding, likes human company and if they are confidential discussions between, get them throw any stick or ball 200-300 times, far away. Known to be discreet, if the job is given. Hunters in Scotland, are dogs who tend to more "out to the country". Friend with water, affectionate with children, has a very good training capacity. What was learned will remember for life. It is a shame that a dog does not receive professional training. With kindness and imagination, can be taught many things. Gets along well with other dogs and animals in the yard, is attached, obedient, sensitive, tenacious, alert and cautious with strangers. Fur rich, silky, require regular brushing and all I have to be periodically removed excess hair between the pads of the feet. It has very good results attendant of blind people, working with patient and loving from that show. Height: 54-61 cm. Weight: 25-34 kg.

You like follies? Always feel the need to entertain and look around in the vicinity? If youre ready to look carefully (possibly with glasses), the solution is: get yourself a dog Chihuahuas! Ay-ya-Yay! Well, it would end a recommendation true-born Mexican, Aztec old country place is just where the little dog. Recognized as the breed with the smallest waist, playful Chihuahua is active as a toy with small key which he always returned to spring up. Graded breed of pocket , his copies overflows with energy and almost always advisable to find around his master in his close entourage. Left alone, dwarf atomic has a terrible weakness for trouble, strain / climb stirs the wrong place or altercations with other dogs, preferably class (much) higher, coming out, of course, soda. It is very brave, but not so low as to stand in a fenced enclosure or other place. Needs early socialization with children, whom they eventually accept - only when they cease to consider it a toy. Develop relationships with representatives of his race (possibly Pekinese) but generally not to be snappish around other fellow, social needs. Is possessive and jealous, so kiss your spouse / partner outside of visual range ... Quick, alert, very alert, sensitive, playful, is recommended as the ideal companion for the elderly or withdrawn. Yes always evidence of disease and has a tonic effect. Often settles apratamentului motion offered by space, is sensitive to current and temperature fluctuations. Barking or suggest a higher class muuult so postman does not ring twice ... When taken out, we recommend a coat. Height: 15-23 cm. Weight: 1.3 kg.

Staffie say to them, because the full name of this breed of dog is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, named after English county where it was first recognized as a distinct breed in 1935. If I said youre easy to please someone who does not want to look sophisticated and complex (though its trendy, some say), Pit Bull is the race that suits you. It has high demands and expectations, are satisfied with the sovereign receives and ignore bad reputation, dangerous dog , dog killer etc.. The law was originally developed as a breed for dog fighting, when the battle between bulls and dogs was outlawed in England (!?), The mid eighteenth century. It can be gentle and patient with children, but being a great race, a strong dog, is good to watch. It is a reliable companion, intelligent, brave, tenacious, temperate, calm but noisy when given signal. Devoted master, he supports those who have sudden transitions from calm to irritation. Endure much and overlook. Has an instinctive aggressive attitude towards other races males, so monitor it carefully around them. He likes long walks, but can not stand the hot sun too long. Patient is recommended for people with experience in raising dogs respond well to training is insistent, repetitive, with gestures made ??with affection and reward. Such a companion will relieve wrinkles. With him along, all they say, will be far less inclined to frown at anyone, no matter how nasty you are that person. A staff make for you ... Height: 35-41 cm. Weight: 11-17 kg.

Can not believe me, but the best appellation for this breed of dog is Christmas Dog. Love to love family reunions, has a reserve sufficient condition for each member, everyone in the family is treated en tendress the block, no difference. Dog traditional, conservative, traditionalist recommended for families. AKC said recently that its size makes it perfect for small children. Their owners are people who can appreciate and maintain heat a home. You can choose between English and American version. Somewhat surprisingly, the Albion version is recommended as a playful dog and have put on crazy, although initially was developed as a hunting dog. Is always eager to please others, but to be willing to spend a big dose of energy to see the tongue sticking out for a walk. Or proceed to the Olympics, the torch test: hand over the man in humans until the whole family helps to play with this rogue. If the motion is retained, attention! may develop behavioral deviations. No dog is aggressive with other animals, but sometimes implement their own agenda "and have strongly called to order. Lively, cheerful, smart, weatherproof, heat, fatigue, adapts quite well to apartment life, although prefer a medium sized yard. Hair needs special treatment, meaning that have to regularly remove excess hair from ears and between the pads of the feet. Also require a regular brushing and even 2-3 haircuts a year, performed by a specialist. Is inclined to games of agility, even if you never get to wash dishes or change a safety switchboard. It is, cheerful and pleasant entertain the whole family. Height: 38-43 cm. Weight: 12-15 kg.

Researcher should not be necessarily, but if you are curious type, always willing and ready to learn things, issues, new phenomena (and they bear the consequences, of course), I recommend a beagle dog. Together, master and dog Beagle, a photographic snapshot, must have raised many an eyebrow questioningly, like, Whats new here? . Beagles are (and their owners as recommended) altruistic, loyal friends, mischievous and terribly ... stubborn. Its a pack dog, hates loneliness, so you play well accepted as a partner and walk other dogs. Socialize easily with others, being permissive with their allure attracted sympathetic foreigners. Nuse intimidating in the presence of crowned heads, remembering, perhaps, it was Elizabeths favorite dog. No dog harness, so the training work must be done with patience and constant surveillance. Beagles tend to follow a particular scent (criteria and rules are established only after it known) until, white canvas, so beware as you watched. Feel better with a companion in the periods in which owners are away or busy, so think of a purchase if you double points, mucalitul it with patches. The coat is short hair, straight, hard and require regular brushing to remove dead hair (we recommend a brush or a rubber glove). He needs more exercise, held too close to his house, looking for work guarding and chewing things. Is greedy and forget sometimes silhouette, with trends toward obesity. Being quite independent, you should be entrusted to a person with experience training, especially to come to order. Height: 25-38 cm. Weight: 9-14 kg.

If you like challenges, sustained exercise, hiking, climbing ... in a cavant, you are the kind of person, itching on the soles, your companion has to be a Border Collie dog breed. Freedom - especially exercise - is the notion of the life of this dog. With a brilliant intelligence (rated as the most intelligent breed of dog) and an unflinching will (why not guys running for dogs in Parliament, somewhere?) Years dominated the competitions organized canine world, excelling in samples of discipline. He likes to spend energy working. Well, not to dig the garden and not to do homework and his mate micu ala , but will not refuse any games, a dog is very creative. Kept too long in the house, his creativity will give you serious headaches, definitely being forced to redecorate the apartment. Do not be death on other dogs and is quite irritable in other animals, is used to dominate. Is an ideal partner for people ridcata share intelligence, creative, with a mind alert, able to invent complex games and activities. If you have more children in the family, you can let outdoors without too careful monitoring, border collies that will gather and will, hand as sheep. Does this trend to bring together and guiding groups of animals. With a good training can bring big rewards in competitions like sports or racing. Height: 45-56 cm. Weight: 18-22 kg.

If you commute to and from work and look forward to evenings or weekends spent little leisurely vacation home or a quiet and secluded vacation home, turn your attention to a dog race Shitzhu. Will always be close to the bedside that rests favorite book or glass of scotch or a cup of cappuccino. Called Foo Dogs or chrysanthemum-faced dog (although the direct translation of the name of the breed means lion ) this companion prefer to stay where his masters lap to be caressed. Indoor dog is extremely loving breed, recommended a past master zburdalniciilor age or the older person who no longer have the energy to eat. Apatamentelor perfectly suitable low surface even with patio. Of all the races so called, the toy , is the most robust breed of dog. Less demanding, he forgot, probably in the past spent in China was increased only medieval royal houses. It is characterized by experts as a smart dog, happy, gentle, active, proud, displaying an instinctive dignity in attitude, with outbreaks of independence, socializing with everyone. Friendly and sociable with children, is cautious with strangers. He needs daily brushing is not to break the fur and hair from the nose and forehead will be fixed with a clamp. Have very sensitive eyes, so they recommend preventive treatment with special drops. Needs a consistent training, and for those who do not have time to brush, I recommend to shear his friend every two months. Height: 20-27 cm. Weight: 7.4 kg.
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