Senin, 11 April 2016

Basic Obedience The Best Gift for Your Dog

We buy them treats, beds and sometimes clothing either for practical reasons or just because we enjoy it. We get them gifts at Christmas and include them in holidays. But there is one gift that you can give your dog that is better than any other.

The gift of training helps dogs not be a statistic of one of the over 90% given up due to training issues. The gift of training helps insure that if for whatever reason he needs a home he has a bigger chance of finding a good home than a poorly trained, unruly dog.

When we picture getting a dog its with the thought of playing in the yard. We call him and he promptly comes running. He sits politely. These things are important but there are many other things in a dogs nature that are important to understand also. If we help him then he can be the wonderful pet we had thoughts of when we selected him.

This basic training understands that dogs are social animals – when we leave it can stress an insecure dog. When he gets destructive its easy to blame the dog for misbehaving but we need to understand enough to help our dogs adapt to our world! We do strange things that dogs don’t do. We may leave several days per week then come back hours later and to our reality its going to work. To a dog its an exciting hunting trip hes missing and when we come home with food it confirms this!

Additionally learning to come, walk quietly on a leash, sit, down and behave appropriately is important. There are many situations that this basic obedience training can save your dogs life. Consider these examples:

-You and the dog are playing in an open area and the dog pulls away or the leash breaks. There is a busy street nearby - "Come!" could keep him from being hit by a car.

-We dont like to think of us leaving before our pets but deployments, accidents and other situations can mean leaving our pets. If there is family to take them it is preferred but if not it can mean relying on good training to find another home.

-Your dog sniffs a chocolate candy that someone left on the table. "NO! Leave it" results in the dog backing away rather than grabbing a treat that can make him sick.

Life happens. We can help train your dog to live with our imperfect lives. Whats it worth? Look at the look in his eyes to just be with you or watch the greeting when you come home even after a short trip to the store. What is that worth?

A well trained dog is a joy. Hes a part of the home and is welcome in many hotels when we travel. Give your dog the best gift - that of time to train him to navigate this sometimes crazy world we live in. Our world. Its a lifetime gift to your biggest fan.

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