Minggu, 03 April 2016

Train Your Dog to Come

Training Your Puppy to Come When You Call

An unreliable dog that won’t come back when you call him, is one of the biggest hassles for any dog owner. The key is to start as young as possible, when they are puppies. Here are a few tips to help you regain control if you have lost it, and help your dog return to you with enthusiasm and zest.

• Firstly find out what your puppy really like to eat, what treat will he really enjoy (remember to avoid chocolate, it’s poisonous to dogs!).

• Start indoors with calling your puppy’s name.

• As soon as he responds and comes to you, then give him a treat, then praise him lavishly.

• Continue to so this 3 or 4 times, three times a day until he will come immediately.

• As soon as you are comfortable that he will do this then take him outside.

• When you are outside in a suitable location then start again, in exactly the same way.

• Call his name then give him a treat.

• Repeat.

• Once you are sure that he will come on command reduce the times you give him a treat.

• Only once every three times and then wean him off the treats (or you will probably have fat dog!).

Always reinforce your training by positive repetition.

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