Minggu, 10 April 2016

Its FitDog Friday!

What better day to share with you all the GREAT reasons I belong to PetsMove?

Garths TOP TEN Reasons 
to Join PetsMove.Org

1. All the cool doggies are doing it

My buddy Gizmo (of Gizmos Terrier Torrent)
is tough competition
(and no, we didnt feel like having photos taken)

2. You can get an inspiration band

3. You can make new friends & connect with 
others with similar interests on Forums

4. You can get info about dog exercise & nutrition

5. Accountability helps you stick to a program!

6. PetsMove.Org will help you get/stay fit, and fit doggies live longer & have fewer vet bills . . . 

& fit doggies have more FUN

Fit doggies: Ricky, me, and Makayla
Photo by Brian Padow, Canine Adventure

Photo by Brian Padow, Canine Adventure

7. Girl doggies like fit doggies!

8. You can get support in your fitness routine

9. You could BE ON TV

and, most importantly

10. You can WIN PRIZES (and who doesnt like to win prizes?)

So why not join PetsMove.Org today?  It doesnt cost anything, and the benefits are AWESOME.

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